Devo with Joe
Choose Love
Again Jesus has flipped everything upside down. His actions in washing His friends feet show love, care and serving. Then His command is spoken like a father to his children. I can only imagine how shocked the disciples would have been in this moment. The tenderness, the love, the passion would have been overwhelming!
Salvation Suit
I have to be honest, as I am writing these words from Scripture tears are rolling down my face. Just the thought of God clothing me, covering me, dressing up all my brokenness and making me beautiful is overwhelming. Ephesians 4:24 describes it like this, “…put on a the new self (a new person), created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (ESV)
Perspective Change
When we allow the words of the Bible to permeate our hearts and minds our perspective changes. The Holy Spirit begins to teach us and change us. Jesus told His disciples about the Holy Spirit and the help the Spirit would bring. “But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is.” (John 16:12 MSG)
Glory on Display
Have you ever been outside early in the morning at that moment when everything seems to wake up? It is a strange time in a way; one minute it is almost silent and then the next it is like a symphony. The world is waking up. I don’t catch it all the time, but when I do, I am floored by the majesty of the moment!
Party Time
A friend of mine once told me, “If you pray and talk with God about everything you will begin to see God everywhere!” Seeing Jesus in the small stuff helps us remember all the amazing things He has done. Don’t forget what Jesus has done in your life!
Peace is Holy
When you and I choose to go after peace, as Hebrews 12:14 encourages, it leads us to a more holy life (the whole goal of the last few days conversations). We will begin to see the Scriptures come alive in our lives. Go back and look at Matthew 5. There is a list of blessing waiting on us when we put holiness into motion. Romans 6:22 describes the fruit of our action as eternal life. Romans 14:19 tells us the results of our pursuit of peace is building up of those around us (making those around us better).
Pain to Power
Story after story was shared of Isaiah 61 coming alive in peoples lives! Freedom! Chains broken! Darkness removed! Hope was Alive! I heard bold proclamations made - “Because of Jesus, I have traded pain for His loving Promises!” and Jesus has taken my pain and replaced it with His Power!” I was looking at what was once viewed as rubble, broken trash, now shining brightly as Priests of God! Miracle after miracle was shared. Each story a one of a kind work of art, flowers from ashes! Jesus’ beauty on full display!
Serving Towards Holiness
Here is something to think about. Holiness is shown in humbly serving. Our approach to life will be one full of meekness, or gentleness, and saturated in humility. We do not become “doormats”, to be walked all over. On the contrary, we become bold and fearless in our serving of others, following the example given by Jesus!
Happy in Our Holiness
Our action today should be meekness - a gentle approach to our lives. Our action today should be humility interwoven with meekness. The result, as Jesus promised, will be a life deeply rooted in happiness. This is by no means an over night formula. This, my friends, is a lifestyle. A lifestyle of following closely after Christ. A way of life that has you and I looking more like Jesus today than we looked yesterday. A growing - humbly and gently loving on those who cross our paths. Happy in our holiness.
The Path to Holiness
The beginning of holiness is humility. Humility begins with a memory. A memory, which serves as a reminder, of where we once were and where we find ourselves today! It was nothing you or I did; it is all Jesus. Today, walk humbly in your God given Holiness! Be holy!
Life’s Calling
you have a special gift, one that is unique to only you. It was given to you by God on purpose! Keep that ablaze! Let the fire burn bright in your life. God does not want us to be shy with the gifts He has given. So, be bold today and also be full of love. Reflect the love of Jesus burning in you!