Devo with Joe
An Unlikely Missionary
Wow! I hope you caught that! Jesus chooses to tell an uneducated, racially disgraced, rejected, broken, “trashy” prostitute who He truly is! And in that moment, the woman no one loved realized a depth of love and acceptance she thought was not possible. Standing by a hole in the ground, she met her Savior! Her life was changed in an instant!
It’s Alive-Part 2
I would like to make a challenge to you. Take some time to read Isaiah 61. Read the text in more than one translation. This is easy to do with a smart phone. Allow the prophets ancient words to penetrate your heart and mind.
It’s Alive-Part 1
The Bible is not merely a historical record book. It is a studied story with every detail being important. You see, the Bible (God’s Word) connects the dots in our lives. We begin to see the prophecy come alive. The entire story is vastly important. As we emerge our lives in Scripture, we begin to realize - we are living part of the story!