An Unlikely Missionary
John 4:1-42
As we continue to work our way through the Gospel of John please remember the main goal of John’s writing is so many would believe. (20:30-31) The story we find in chapter four helps us understand who Jesus came to save; He came for everyone! In order to fully grasp the beauty and uniqueness of the conversation Jesus has with an unnamed Samaritan woman there are a few things we need to understand.
Jesus and His disciples begin to travel from Judea to Galilee and in doing so John tells us Jesus “had to go through Samaria”. (4:4) This is not all together true. Typically most traveling Jews would take a longer route to avoid going through Samaria. It was very uncommon to take the route Jesus had to take. Jesus wanted to be in this town for one main purpose - to run into this unnamed woman.
When He walks into town. It is the hottest time of the day, most folks are resting in the shade or relaxing in their homes. The woman at the well is there because she did not want to run into anyone from town. She is an outcast. She is morally broken. She is spiritual lost and trapped in rumors and folklore. Racially she is considered a weird hybrid and rejected by the Jewish people. She is viewed by everyone as trash and not worth the time of day. This lady is an outcast and Jesus seeks her out.
Do you recall Nicodemus from John 3? As society goes, Nicodemus would tower over the Samaritan woman in every respect. The fact they are so dramatically opposite brings the beauty of Jesus into full focus. Nicodemus’ conversation was hidden in the night; he seems to “sneak” to see Jesus. The lady at the well meets Jesus in the brightness of day.(4:6) Nicodemus begins with long, elaborate questions, but ends in silence. The Samaritan woman begins very short and guarded, but opens up and ends full of an excitement her words could not describe!
Up until this point in John’s story Jesus has been somewhat vague and distant about who He truly is. He quietly turned the water into wine, not wanting to make a big scene. He seems to almost confuse Nicodemus and scold him for not understanding what He was talking about. On the other hand, here by a well, chatting with a rejected lady who wanted to just be left alone, Jesus tells her plainly He is the Messiah! (4:26)
Wow! I hope you caught that! Jesus chooses to tell an uneducated, racially disgraced, rejected, broken, “trashy” prostitute who He truly is! And in that moment, the woman no one loved realized a depth of love and acceptance she thought was not possible. Standing by a hole in the ground, she met her Savior! Her life was changed in an instant!
This unnamed Samaritan lady meets Jesus and becomes the first missionary! She runs to tell everyone about what just happened! “Many in her town believed because of her testimony.” (4:39) Jesus and His disciples stay in town for a couple of days and “many more believe because of His word.” (4:41)
Jesus came for everyone. He does not care about where you are from, what you have done, who you think you have become or how many mistakes you have made. Jesus seeks out the outcast! I pray you will let Him speak to you the way He spoke to the unnamed lady at the well!