It’s Alive-Part 2
In an attempt to tackle the mysterious question, what is the word of God, I have made the argument; it is alive and prophetic, as well as, being more than the pages we call the Bible. I used the example of how the prophetic words of Scripture came (and continue to be) alive and connect dots in my life!
I would like to make a challenge to you. Take some time to read Isaiah 61. Read the text in more than one translation. This is easy to do with a smart phone. Allow the prophets ancient words to penetrate your heart and mind.
You will read beautiful words describing restoration - sight to the blind, freedom for the captive, healing for the broken-hearted!
You will read encouraging words of rebuilding - wreckage and devastation repaired. What was left for ruin will be remade!
You will read of new names given - Oaks of Righteousness, Priests of God, Beautiful Flowers!
All culminating in a triumph Salvation Garden! A garden cascading with blossoms. Justice and righteousness in full bloom all for the glory of God!
Folks, I cannot say it loud enough! God’s Word is alive. Allow the restoration, rebuilding and renaming to happen in your life! Like a hammer it will crush the brokenness. Like fresh rain it will nourish your soul. What you may see as ugly and shameful - God sees as possibility. Flowers from ashes in the mighty name of Jesus!