Stand By Me

When I was a kid I had a few very close friends.  We would explore the woods near my house and follow creeks as far as we could.  The thought of adventure waiting just around the next bend was all we needed to keep going.  

I am not sure if we were more Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn or Stand By Me (without the dead body).  Either way, it was one great adventure after another.

The stories we told.  The day dreams we shared.  The freedom we lived.  Yes, it was childish because we were kids.  Yes, we were naive and idealistic.  But man, did we have a lot of fun!

As time past, those friendships faded a little and changed.  Honestly, I began to put up walls.  I couldn’t let people see the “real” me because “who would love me if they really knew me?”  It was easier flying solo, or so I thought.  And like so many adults, I ended up with no real friends.  Acquaintances, coworkers, maybe a few “buddies”, but no real friends.

Cruising through life doing it all on my own and crushing it all along the way.  

Wait.  Hang on.  That isn’t exactly correct.  Allow me to try that again.  This is closer to the reality; barely stumbling may way through life, deeply alone and scared, being crushed by everything that I confronted, and begging for it to stop and the pain go away.   There has to be a better way.  I cannot do this by myself!

“It’s better to have a partner than go it alone.  Share the work, share the wealth.  And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there is no one to help, tough!  By yourself you are unprotected.  With a friend you can face the worst.  Can you round up a third?  A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.”

The words penned by Solomon are wise words, but I wonder how often we really think about the depth of meaning.  

In our culture it is so easy to self-isolate.  We work from home.  All my friends are on social media.  Amazon will bring me anything I want and leave it on my front porch.  I can just watch church on YouTube.  Or maybe you would rather just listen to the podcast on Tuesday.  I don’t need to go meet up with those folks, I will just FaceTime or better yet I will just text them.

Now factor in some one that struggles with anxiety, depression, or addictions and we have a field ripe for Satan to pick from.  Alone, self-absorbed and ready to be attacked!

If you take the time to read the words of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and also think about the words and actions of Jesus you will begin to see the importance of friendship.  First in Luke 10, when Jesus sends the 72 out “two by two”.  In John 14:18, Jesus tells His closest friends, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

Clearly, Jesus does not want us to be alone.  But friendship is often difficult.  It requires honesty, trust, and forgiveness, just to name a few.  Each of those are very difficult for most people, because we have all been hurt before.

Here is the beauty.  When we, as followers of Jesus, are willing to be the type of friend we want to have something changes.  We try to be honest.  We try to trust.  We begin to forgive.  Then God takes over and healing begins.  Take another look at Ecclesiastes 4:12, “A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped” and think about Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:20.  “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am among them.”

Think about what is going on now.  You and I have acknowledged our deep need for companionship.  We have decided to be the type of friend we long to have.  We begin to join with a couple other folks and take on life together.  Look who else is with you.  Jesus is in your midst; any time you call out for Him, He is there!

Two or three of us woven together with Christ in the middle!  That is the way to face life.  We together really become what Peter talked about, “living stones being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood”. (1 Peter 4:2)

What are you waiting for?  Call that person.  Go get that cup of coffee.  Go to that church gathering.  Be that friend you want to have.  Let Jesus weave you together with others to help on the journey.  Be a living stone alive in Jesus!


Dilemma Resolved

