Jesus Being Jesus

I have been reading a story in Luke that is also in Matthew and Mark.  It is the story of the woman with the issue of blood.  (Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:43-48.)  It is a crazy story.  A story that I have heard most of my life and I have even sort of prayed the story.  “If I could just touch Jesus I would be healed or made whole.”

Honestly, I have never really thought about what is going on with this unknown lady, a crowded street and Jesus.

The lady has been sick for twelve years.  For twelve years she has bled.  This means that she is considered “unclean”.  So she cannot go to church and worship with your friends and family.  On top of that most folks thought that what she struggled with was contagious.  She was an outcast.

She had tried everything she knew to do.  Doctors had tried to help.  She had spent all her money on getting better, but nothing happened.  Mark’s version adds that the doctors and healers had made it worse. (Mark 5:26)

Think about that for a moment.  Twelve years of hurting.  Twelve years of being looked at as broken.  Twelve years of being talked about, looked at funny, and avoided.  Twelve years wondering why am I even here?

This problem had become her identity.  Not only did everyone around her think she was broken and beyond repair, but she had come to believe it too!  

She was the broken lady, the blood lady.

Can you relate?  How about this.  He is just a drunk.  She is a druggy.  He can’t stop throwing is money away.  She is a tramp.  What a waste!

This unknown, sick and hurting lady, had heard about Jesus and that He could heal people.  But she also thought she could not walk right up to this Healer.  The crowded streets would give her the only opportunity.  She could sneak right up behind Him and touch just a tassel on His coat.  And wham-o!  She would be healed.

That is exactly what she does.  But it does not go exactly as planned.  Yes, she is stealthy enough to get close to Jesus without being called out.  Yes, she is able to just touch His clothes.  And yes, she is healed just by touching Jesus.

But then everything comes to a screeching halt!  Jesus stops.  Turns around and asks, “Who touched me?” (v 45)  

This is my favorite part.

 The lady has been healed, yet Jesus insists upon talking with her.  Sort of calling her out.  But instead of embarrassing her, Jesus loves on her.  He makes her whole.  Jesus takes the time to restore her self-respect and make sure those around her know that she is healed and clean.

In that moment, her whole world turned around.  Jesus called her His daughter!  The blood lady is no more.

If Jesus had not done this, what would this miracle have gotten the lady?  No one would have known that she was now “made clean”.  She still would have received the looks, couldn’t go to church, and couldn’t live the life she so desperately longed for.

Wow!  I get so much encouragement from knowing Jesus wants to make me whole.  Restore what is broken.  Address all the internal self doubt that I have and make me the man He created me to be.  It is hard to believe that He loves me that much.

You know what is an even bigger “Wow!”?  Jesus cares for you an equal amount!  Jesus longs to restore and heal you too.  He wants you to press in and reach for Him.  Even if you are embarrassed or don’t know what to say to Him.  He does not care about that.  All He cares about is you.  Your heart!  

Sometimes we just need to let Jesus be Jesus.  Be healed today!



