What am I doing?
What am I doing here? There has to be more to life than this? Do I have a purpose?
These are all questions that I think we have all asked before. If you haven’t asked them, then you know someone that has. Figuring out or finding our purpose seems to be one of the core understandings for living a fulfilled life.
The problem lies in the question “how do I know?”. How am I supposed to figure out what in the world I am supposed to be doing?
For the follower of Jesus, it is simple. Jesus tells us what we should be focused on in Matthew 28:18. He tells us to go and make disciples. Make disciples? What does that mean?
Instead of disciples, let’s use followers and students. We are supposed to help others follow Jesus and become students of His ways.
Think of it like this, you and I have a purpose and that purpose is to show people how to follow Jesus. Go out into the neighborhood we live in and teach, most often by example, how to follow the way of Jesus.
Well, that is way easier said than done.
It is a daunting task when we think of it the incorrect way. I understand not all of us have the boldness to just start talking to strangers, neighbors and family members about our faith and beliefs. Honestly, most folks don’t even know where or how to start.
Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends. He was around for all the miracles, the tense moments with leaders, as well as lots of quiet time just talking to Jesus. Peter is also the guy that abandoned Jesus at the end. He denied even knowing Jesus. Peter had great insight into what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Look at what Peter has to say about how followers of Jesus should behave. He says to be generous with the various gifts God has given you, share them so everyone can benefit for them. It doesn’t matter what the gifts are. We all have something to share. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
A great place to start is with being generous. Everyone can choose to be generous. The key to what I just said is CHOOSE to be generous. We have to wake up everyday asking God to help us be generous.
Share. Be kind. Smile. Encourage those folks around you.
Stop focusing on yourself and focus on others. Look up from your phone. Take a look around. God will open up opportunities to be generous with the gifts you have.