Storm Protection
I have heard it said countless times, and I have even said it a few times, “I thought if I could just stop getting high or drinking all day my life would be so easy”. Maybe for you that statement goes a little different. If I could just stop…
If I could just stop…looking at porn, obsessing over money, working all the time, over eating, binge shopping and that list could go on and on!
If you could just stop… But you know that is just not the case. There is more to it than that.
Yes, life is much clearer and the world seems so much bigger and brighter clean and sober, but life is still difficult even without that “much loved high”.
The storms of life seem to come out of nowhere and catch us completely off guard. The big question is how do we defend our seemingly fragile lives from the challenges of life? So what do we do?
As followers of Jesus, we have to continually remind ourselves that He is with us always. One of the stories I like to retell myself often is when Jesus is sleeping in the boat during a giant storm. (Matthew 8:23-27). I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t need Jesus napping while I am struggling so much”. Wake up Jesus! Wake up and help me!
In Psalms 7:10-17, God is compared to a shield our protection during the battles life brings!
Over in the New Testament, Paul picks up the shield idea and takes it a little further. Paul says we can hold on to the shield of God and we will be protected. (Ephesians 6:16)
Now maybe your are thinking, yep, I need a God shield and I need it now. But I have no idea what that is and how to use it.
Our best defense against the storms life is going to throw at us, is a trusting relationship with Jesus. And this grows from talking with Him often throughout the day, as well as, reading the Bible. God’s Word is our weapon during the fight and prayer keeps us shielded during the chaos of life!
If you don’t know where to start that is okay. Start with the three Scriptures we just talked about - Psalms 7:10-17, Matthew 8:23-27, Ephesians 6:16-18. Read them. Talk to Jesus about what is going on in your life. And don’t just do this once. Anytime your thoughts wander towards the storm, focus on the protection from the storm. Stop and pray!
Remember the promise - God is with you.