
Now that we are really beginning to take ownership of who and what we are.  You and I are wonderfully made in the image of God.  We have the Creator’s Spirit living inside of us and whatever we do is from a heart of thankfulness.  Our lives are beginning to change.  We are living out our purpose.

This connection with God should be bursting within each of us.  Remember from Acts 1:8, we are to GO!  Our lives should begin to reflect this new understanding.

I am not saying we should all quit our jobs or drop out of school and move to some distant country to share the story of Jesus.  What I am saying is that we are all called to take the story of Jesus and the change in our lives out into the world we call home.

Ephesians 2-10.jpg

Here is my point, we each have a message to carry to the folks right in front of us everyday.  But you and I are far more than just messengers.  We are the message.

“Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you.  Christ himself wrote it - not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives - and we publish it.” (2 Corinthians 3:3)  

Have you ever been around a person that tries to “fit in”?  They seem to be acting like something they are not.  Usually it works for a little while, but sooner or later the charade wears thin.  

The problem is we cannot be what is not already in us! 

On the other hand, if we begin to mimic Jesus, because we are made in His image and His Spirit lives inside of us.  We are exactly what we are supposed to be - a mirror.  A reflection of the loving God living inside of each of us.

So now as we go and live out our purpose we are reflecting brightly into a dark world.




What Am I Here For?