Faith Over Fear
For some reason, I cannot say this enough. You are special. God made you that way. I guess I keep harping on this idea because it took me years to really start believing it. And I see folks all the time that will not allow themselves to see the person in the mirror the way God see them.
You are God’s craftsmanship, made in His image and He is so pleased with you.
I think there is an element of fear for most folks surrounding this idea. You may be thinking something like; How can I possible be that wonderful to God? Most days I am a hot mess that cannot get my act together. There is no way that I am beautiful and wonderfully made.
Remember, in Jesus we are made new. Jesus discusses this idea in John 3. He calls it a Spiritual rebirth. So, when we allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives, His Spirit fills us. Jesus is now living inside of each of us. Because of this amazing gift, God does not see the “hot mess”, but He see His beautiful child.
Now your fear is replaced by comfort. A comfort that is only found in God. Psalms 4:8 tells us, “In peace I will both lie down and sleep: for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
Realizing that you are safe and comfortable in God will lead to a growing faith. That faith will begin to take over your fear. Those insecurities will go away and be replaced with a faithful confidence - being confident in knowing who you are in Jesus.
Now grace comes into the picture. As you and I follow Jesus and allow our faith in Him to override our fear, we become covered in the gift of grace. And it is amazing.
My challenge for you today is let go of your fear and step out in faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and experience God’s loving grace flood your life. Begin to truly trust in the Lord with all of your heart and see His grace come alive!